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BoldUHide Today Theme

I changed the background on the today only because the sunlight on the default picture interferes with the with font! Picture is able to be changed. I also forgot to mention, to get to the today text on every icon, except 5(bottom corner left) and 12 (bottom corner right), YOu just scroll toward the text to get it, but on the mentioned 5 and 12 you must scroll down to get to the today text. Hope that explanation makes sense. It's a simple bold theme, didn't change much! The biggest thing is the home screen. It's U shaped with 15 customizable icons. The home screen has no visible icons until scroll the trackball, the icon slides out from either the side or bottom. When you scroll to the next, the original one slides back hidden the next slides into view. The application name does disapper so if you leave the active icon as the profiles you have absolutely nothing on the homescreen.

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